In honor of the fact that I'll be going to see Star Trek this weekend for a third time, I wanted to post my favorite Star Trek-inspired finds!
So.. here we go!
Hilarious (and totally true) card from Able and Game
Hilarious (and totally true) card from Able and Game
Attention! Because I have not heard back from one of our runner-up prize winners with an e-mail address, I have just picked a new winner (again, using to generate a new number.) Congratulations Erin!
Now, before I get around to announcing the winners, I just want to take a moment to thank everyone who participated - the response was incredible, to say the least. It’s hard sometimes, as a crafter, to make things that other people enjoy as much as you do.. especially when you get into the realm of raunchy needlework! I can’t tell you how relieved I am that I wasn’t chased off of Blogger with pitchforks and phasers, but, alas, I digress..
::Ahem:: Moving on.. As I mentioned in the rules, I used to generate three numbers which then corresponded to the order in which comments were left (the first person to leave a comment was assigned the number 1 and so on and so forth). If there are any questions regarding how the winners were picked, feel free to ask. :)
And so, without any further ado.. Our First Prize Winner is:
--> Biologie
Our First and Second Runners-up are:
--> Erin
--> Marysgranddaughter
Congratulations Everyone! I’ll be e-mailing you tomorrow (or, later on today, as it were) so I can send you your prizes!
[Author’s Note: I want to apologize for not getting this post out closer to midnight, but my computer was determined to make me look completely incompetent tonight.. :) ]
Logically, I knew I didn't have a chance in hell of winning but there's always that little subversive voice in the back of your head going "You know, maybe you have a shot..."
That little voice shut up rather quickly once I saw that someone had made a 3 foot tall Dalek using the Easter eggs as the bumps. ::sigh:: Oh well, at least she's still fabulous. Can you believe she used to be an egg?!? Hell, I still can't.
And now we play the waiting game.. waiting to see if anyone is going to vote for Lucy and if I'm going to get into the Mortal Plush exhibit. The waiting is the worst part because there's absolutely nothing I can do but sit here and blog about it. And embroider.. at least that's taking my mind off of things. It's all too raunchy and scandelous for words. I should be posting the first of them tomorrow... I think I'm calling it "Excitable Embroidery." I'm also thinking of doing a give-away next week.. We'll see how neurotic I get over the aforementioned waiting and how much of a distraction I need. Again - ::sigh::